Jabatan Kimia, Fakulti Sains



The RIGAKU NEX-CG is an ED(P)-XRF with ultra high performance. The (P) stands for Polarised X-ray optics. This particular X-ray optical configuration combined with a high performance detector has led to the highest performance benchtop X-ray spectrometer to date. The NEX-CG allows for high precision sample screening of unknown samples from sub ppm up to percentage levels. The NEX CG can be used for routine applications where a high level of performance is required. It ca also be used to screen totally unknown samples such waste samples, oild slurries and many other similar applications. Soils, rocks and other geological materials can be accurately screened. This is enabled by the powerful SQ-FP standardless program from RIGAKU. This unique tool developed by RIGAKU simply makes the NEX-CG a unique tool for rapid and accurate unknown sample screening. In the waste industry for example, incoming waste can be accurately segregated with minimal sample preparation. The RIGAKU NEX-CG can also uses RIGAKU’s Patented ULTRA CARRY filter method. The ULTRA CARRY filters are designed to accurately evaporate aqueous samples. This method brings the limits of detection of many metals down to 20ppb (0.02ppm) and better!